Please register no later than Monday 5th August 2002

Places allocated on a first come first served basis

QIPC Workshop
September 2002 - Dublin, Ireland

Name: Email:


If you are a member of QUIPROCONE - the EC's 'Quantum Information Processing and Communication Network of Excellence', please include your membership number below (see

Membership Number:


I shall be attending the QIPC Workshop sessions on the following days:

Monday 16th September
Tuesday 17th September
Wednesday 18th September

I attend the PUBLIC LECTURE BY ARTUR EKERT - Monday 16th September 2002


Dinners are FREE to QUIPROCONE MEMBERS therefore you must complete your organisation and membership number details above.

If you are not a MEMBER and would like to attend the dinner(s), you must send a euro cheque to the QUIPROCONE Administrator- see bottom of registration form for postal address. Cheques should be made payable to 'NUI Maynooth'. Places cannot be guaranteed unless payment has been received.

I plan to attend the following dinners during the QIPC Workshop:

Sunday 15th September 2002 - Welcome Reception & Buffet at Trinity College - FREE

Monday 16th September 2002 - Official Dinner at Trinity College
Non-QUIPROCONE members will need to pay 34Euros per person to attend

Tuesday 17th September 2002 - QUIPROCONE State Banquet at Dublin Castle
Non-QUIPROCONE members will need to pay 50Euros per person to attend

I am a QUIPROCONE member - I have quoted my organisation and membership number above.

I am NOT a QUIPROCONE member - I will be sending my cheque in the post to guarantee my booking(s).

Special dietary requirements:

Additional information:

Workshop contact: Sarah Hulbert - QUIPROCONE Administrator
Hewlett Packard Laboratories, Filton Road, Stoke Gifford, Bristol BS34 8QZ

Please note that there will be no financial aid for participants other than speakers.
This has taken the form of a ZERO WORKSHOP FEE.